Friday, June 6, 2008

Visit from Dan's Mom

Dan's mom was out here last weekend, and it was a really nice visit. We went to dinner when she got in on Friday- and since Friday was such a clear, nice day, she was able to see Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helen's before it got dark.

Then on Saturday we went to lunch where I work before driving out to the West coast. We had heard that whatever the weather in Portland is, to expect the opposite on the coast, and that held true for our trip. The first half of the drive out there was very scenic and sunny. It was chilly and gloomy after that, but still nice. Pacific Ocean water is painfully freezing even just to wade in. We threw the frisbee around, and Dan found a crab claw which he named Sherwin Williams and took home as a souvenir. Also- we visited Cannon Beach- where the rocks from the movie "The Goonies" are. On the drive back Jayne found a place off of Route 26 to buy birdhouses, and we went to a cafe.

The Rose Festival is going on in Portland right now, so after returning from the coast we went to a parade that was part of the celebration. We found a spot on a wall looking down onto the street. Before the parade there was a 5k run that came through, which was more fun than the parade, because of the costumes many of the runners wore. The night before we had noticed that our roommates had bought goofy WWF wrestler masks, and we thought it was funny but didn't really question it. We watched the 5k run and figured out what the masks were for, as they went running by us.

Picture Descriptions
*These are also not my pictures
1. View of Mt. Hood on a clear day from just outside of downtown Portland
2. Mt. St. Helen's
3. Cannon Beach rocks, you might recognize from "The Goonies"
4. Picture from the 2007 Rose Festival Starlight Parade

My next blog entry will be pictures of the house and neighborhood where we currently live as well as the apartment we are moving into later this month! Yes, we signed a lease today, and I'm really excited about it, but right now I have to go to work. Later!

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