Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Oregon Trail Day 2

On day 2, we drove from Hays, Kansas to Ogden, Utah.
Roughly another 850 miles.
We passed through Denver, Colorado, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, and Ogden, Utah, where we spent the night, is very close to Salt Lake City.

In Laramie, a college town, we drank a beer at a higher altitude than we ever had before.
We could have stopped to see the "World's Largest Prairie Dog."
I forded a river and Dan almost died of dysentery (or was it a snake bite?).
Wyoming had some beautiful scenery.
Wyoming also had a very ominous area we called "the Void."

Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado were boring. We literally saw a tumble weed and cheered. Then nothing happened for 200 miles. Then we saw another tumbleweed and cheered again. We also drove 200 miles without even once being passed. Denver and Cheyenne were sort of disappointing. It didn't help that it was pretty gloomy in those areas. But the scenery later on made up for it. By the time we crossed over into Utah it was getting dark, we were tired, and I was getting cranky, so we opted to find a hotel asap instead of driving to Salt Lake City.

Picture Descriptions:
(again, I recommend enlarging all pictures by clicking on them... they look much better like that)
These pictures are not in chronological order, instead I put the ones I liked the most up top.
1. Merge sign in maybe Colorado?
2. Train in maybe pre-void Wyoming?
3.-7. Beautiful, rocky, giant, Wyoming landscape
8. 75 mph speed limit in the middle of nowhere
9. Letting us know where we can see the world's largest prairie dog
10. Our 1st forest fire sighting
11. Oil driller thing on the side of the road in maybe Colorado, maybe Kansas
12. Despite the giant signs, this store did not sell mittens
13. Buford, next exit

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