Saturday, July 26, 2008


Dan's dad came to visit too! As soon as he arrived, we were walking him up Mt. Tabor. Then Dan went to work, and Sterling and I hung out for the first day of his stay. We had lunch where I work, drove to where Dan and I lived before, and then to the St. John's Bridge (my favorite bridge in Portland- 1st picture above). Then we took the MAX lightrail downtown where we went to Powell's books (2nd pic), and Pioneer Courthouse Square (the 3rd).

On the 2nd day of the visit, it was his birthday. Dan told him that he would like to take him out to lunch to celebrate, and Sterling chose a German Restaurant to do so (The Rheinlander, picture 4). The highlight of the meal may have been when Sterling, holding a beer in his hand (a rare occasion) declared, "It's a good thing I'm not drinking!" He meant to say driving.

Then I drove us East of Portland down historic, scenic "Columbia River Highway" to go on a waterfall tour. Above in picture 5 are Dan & Sterling looking at the Bridal Veil falls, and the last two pictures are Multnomah Falls.

I worked on the last day of his visit, but I hear he and Dan went to a bad hot dog place for lunch, and Sterling, per his request, got to see a real-life hippie!

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