Monday, December 14, 2009

Published Article, Planned Events & a Projector

Ok, so I never posted pictures of Murph in her party hat back in the summer, but trust me, it was awfully cute. Today she is sleeping beside me sporting a very dapper Christmas sweater that her step-cousin, Max, so kindly gifted her.

Here are some updates from the last 6 months or so...

* Dan wrote an article/review about this 17th century guide to game rules for the "Lost & Found" section of the literary magazine where he interned over the summer, and they've decided to publish it!! Once they accepted it, he had to do some speed editing to get it in before the deadline, but he made it, and it's due to come out in March. Anyone interested in getting a copy can buy one from in the spring. Or, if you would like yours autographed, we would be happy to arrange that for you. :) Currently Dan is interning for Tin House's books department and working on some personal writing projects, which in his words involve "bizzare, nano-rific cartoonery."

* For a couple of months, I've been planning a German-style Christmas Market at work, and it finally went down on Tuesday. It came off as well as I hoped - we sold out of vendor spaces, we got carolers & live music, and people showed up! My German friends will be happy to know that the hot, mulled wine ("Glühwein") was a hit... but that may have had to do with its being 12 degrees outside. This was the first year for the event & they want it for a second year, so I guess it's going to be an annual thing. Now that it's over, I'm working with a local theater on their annual Oscar Night fundraiser, along with the theater director, their volunteer organizer, a guy I know from Nike, and of all people, Everclear lead singer, Art Alexakis, so that's exciting.

* But perhaps more exciting than any of the above: As our Christmas gift to each other, Dan & I bought a projector. The stork brought it on Wednesday, and I think it will take some time for the novelty to wear off. We are now doing a lot more sitting. We christened the machine by watching It's a Wonderful Life & drinking wine, and since have viewed a number of music videos, episodes of Nova, the American Experience, Charlie Brown Christmas, Best in Show, parts of the Dark Side of Oz, Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer, & A Christmas Carol. On New Year's Eve we already have plans to have some friends in for cocktails and to watch Dinner for One, Clue & a marathon of Twilight Zone episodes on the big screen.

Please visit. :) (But not in late January, as we're going to California & possibly Bend again.) We will house & feed you!!